Friday, March 03, 2006

Hollywood and their big day

It's Oscar time again. I admit I go to very few movies. The combination of two small children, and a basic disgust for most of what Hollywood offers would be the reason.

The Execs in Hollywood say they just produce what the viewers want. That might seem vaguely plausible if the numbers bore this out. Every year the highest grossing movies are family movies. The Hollywood execs take this information and create mostly -- 'R' Rated movies.

I have a theory as to why. It has long been my contention that money cannot ever motivate long term. In your job you may work hard to get a bonus. You may say the bonus motivated me. Question after you earn the bonus will you go back to being a slack off? Chances are you weren't a slack off to begin with. Was it the bonus, or was it the accomplishment that motivated you to give it a little extra.

Another question. Can you give your job 20% more effort than you do now? Probably not long term. You may be able to put in some extra hours for an important project, but long term if you can give 20% more you weren't doing your job to begin with, and that being said you probably won't do it even for a hefty raise. The reasons that kept you from doing it before will creep back in.

That being said why does Hollywood make movies that they know won't sell? They do it for THE ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! They see accomplishment as being recognized by their peers at the Oscars, or the Emmy's or Golden Globes. Sure they have to make money, so they will make enough family movies to cover the investors.

Recently though Hollywood is having down year after down year. Why is that? Again I have a theory. They have become so insulated from average people that they can't just go to the well like they used to. I truly believe they have no idea what entertains the average American. They see Family movie as either animated, or sickeningly sweet. These two genres do have their place. News flash to Hollywood, we can stretch a little. We can follow a story. We just don't want to be preached to about your agenda. Gay GOOD! Suicide GOOD!! Drugs and Booze GOOD!!! Republicans BAD!!!!!

Now to turn my gaze to conservatives. There have to be some talented conservative actors and producers and directors out there. Recent movies such as the Chronicles of Narnia and yes the Passion have proved that there is a market for movies with a bent to faith. Yes we would like to see more of that. We also would like to see more family stories. I have not seen 'Because of Winn Dixie' but read wonderful review of it.

We can complain about Hollywood all we want. Now it is time for Conservatives to use the market to change things. It does work. We complain about the mainstream media. It is changing slowly. A man name Rush Limbaugh took a chance on talk radio without guests, talking about political issues. A man named Roger Ailes heads a cable news network that does not have a hard left agenda. Maybe you have heard of it FOXNEWS!! They put their reputations and capital to risk. The rest is history.


Blogger Randy said...

They don't understand you. you're using logic.

4:57 PM  

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