Thursday, April 26, 2007

After We Leave Iraq What happens?

The democrats have passed a bill which mandates a date to start withdrawing troops. This of course will be vetoed and by the margin it was passed by leaves virtually no chance of being enacted into law. Meanwhile the military units are scrambling to rearrange funds to keep our troops going. The same troops that the liberals say they support.

Lets say it could be enacted. It is the day they have stated to withdraw troops. The day after all our troops have left, what happens? Does peace break out all over the middle east? Do the terrorists A.K.A insurgents stop blowing up their citizens? If we look at what who they are killing today I would have to say no. We know that today they are killing a much higher percentage of Iraqi citizens that they are American troops. To believe that will change is less than believable. OK you say that you don't really care what happens over there as long as Americans stop dying. What do all of the Baathists, Al Queda, Iranians etc that are fighting us do? Will they get jobs in the local market? One thinks not. I have to believe they will take up arms wherever they see the battle to be. Some will go to Afghanistan, some of course will stay there and keep fighting to see the jihadists come to power. I would have to guess that a good bunch of them will come here and organize some bright shiny new sleeper cells. Since the Democrats also wish to cut off parts of the Patriot Act, the electronic surveillance and shutdown Gitmo they should have smooth sailing.

Now the essential product of the middle East, oil. What happens when the Iraqi wells are under the control of the jihadists? I have to believe the price of oil will not fall. That will of course affect the world economy, but what matter is that? What of the people that have supported us and freedom since the fall of Saddam? By looking at the history of totalitarian movements in the past, and the history of the jihadists, I would have to guess they will all at some point be beheaded. No skin off our noses I guess, but not too pleasant for those people that have trusted the Americans.

What of our reputation with our allies? Remember those that allies that the liberals tell us are so important when they are using them to bash President Bush. What about Afghanistan? Should they believe we will support them? Remember the majority of our recent military endeavors have resulted in our leaving when things got hot. For examples think Viet Nam, Lebanon, Somalia and now Iraq if the liberals have their way. I would have to believe no country will ever trust us again. We haven't earned it. No matter what each of us thought of going into Iraq, we are there and what we do now matters.

All of that be damned, as long as the crowd feels good. Heaven help us if that happens. Please spare me you accusations of questioning the Democrats patriotism, I do not do that. Bad judgement kills just as dead as lack of patriotism.


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