Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Boot straps for me but not for thee

Barak Obama is a great story. This man has accomplished so much. This is the story of a self made man. Why then does he sell victim hood?

He obviously believes the things he says. He tells people he is selling hope. He is selling change. He is telling people that they can't make it because the special interests have stacked the deck against them. Did the special interests stop him and his wife? I don't think so.

He did not turn to the government to accomplish what he has. Is he smarter than everyone else? He is very smart, but I don't think that is the answer. Is he more talented than us? Again he is talented but I don't know if that is the answer. We all have varied talents and use them in varying degrees.

From where I sit I think when someone made it on their own but tells me that we cannot, I don't see that as hope, I see it as hubris. I don't think he intends it that way, but that is how it sounds to me.

We can't afford Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton. Not just in money although certainly that is true. We can't afford the affects done to the people at the bottom of the ladder. We can't have four or eight years of our President telling us they did it themselves, but you can't do it without them.

They have promised to bring jobs back to Ohio. How exactly? by raising the taxes? They have promised to provide universal health care, how exactly? I have written time and time again that their plans will end up in rationing of care. They can lead by inspiring others, not by being our mommy and daddy. Shameful!! It isn't easy to pull yourself up, but his story and literally thousands of other stories show it can be done. Let's follow that story of Senator Obama, not the victimhood story he is portraying in his campaign.


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