Thursday, July 17, 2008

Right Wing conspiracy Again?

Senator Obama seems to be channelling Hillary Clinton in his interview with Glamour magazine. See his interview here. He blames his wife's negative polling on the right wing, especially talk radio and conservative blogs.

Since these evil people are so powerful I am glad to see that conservatives will be in power for a long time to come, oh wait they are in power of nothing (excluding the President who as a lame duck doesn't exercise nearly the power he did two years ago).

Since the Senator is not fond of criticism of his surrogates, or is it just his wife? Michelle Obama is acting as a surrogate not a spouse. Barbara Bush and now Laura Bush campaigned for their husbands but did not campaign on policy. They were not part of the policy making apparatus. Michelle Obama just as Hillary Clinton did is active in discussing policy. She makes comments that are very controversial. That is of course acceptable for anyone on a campaign trail, they have to be ready to be criticised when they do it.

This is an old story. Liberals or progressives seem to believe that free speech means you have the right to site your opinion with no repercussions, but only if you are on the left. I remember Obama twisting the words of John McCain in regards to staying in Iraq for one hundred years. I remember just this week Obama hanging on the words of Phil Gramm. He made controversial statements and was criticised for them. All well and good. Actually although it may upset some people I would like a little more of that kind of talk. I remember Obama attacking Bill Clinton over comments he has made on the campaign trail. Let's see now we can criticise spouses but only if they are men.

Is it to be our standard that we do not criticise spouses even when they actively engage in policy discussions? Heaven forbid. Bill Clinton free to spout anything that comes to his mind with no fear of critical reprisals. Think about what you are asking for, and while you are at it, grow up a little.


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