Sunday, October 04, 2009

Live by the Blue Dog Die by the Blue Dog

So the Democrats are probably going to pull the public option off the table. The Republicans are patting themselves on the back and doing high fives. Guess what? I don't think the public option was ever anything but a bargaining chip. Also the Republicans did NOTHING!!!! By simple math you have to know they couldn't do anything.

Here is my personal opinion. Maybe it is a conspiracy theory but I don't consider it that at all. I believe in the back of the room the blue dogs have gotten together with the hard core leadership (also known as the Marxists) and have agreed that with the public option off the table they can declare a victory and go back to their voters and tell them they protected the voters. After the smoke clears the government still gets total control. With or without a public option they set the ground rules of who insure what and when. There will still be mandates for everyone to carry coverage, there will be no provision to allow competition across state lines. There will be no tort reform. There will be no tax benefit for individual coverage so in the end you will get your coverage from your employer or you will get it from Der Commissar. Just as they set out to do all along.

Have you wondered why the private insurers have been in favor of Obama care all along? Because whatever is agreed to will allow them to keep their oligarchy. No smaller competitor will come along to challenge them. With competition across state lines more competition could have upset the status quo. When the blue dogs eventually cave, Aetna and Blue Cross and United Healthcare will keep the market share they have and can tell their stockholders that they worked with the President to save health care. They will not be forced to endure more stiff competition. As Adam Smith surmised no one hates Capitalism like a businessman.

Why will the blue dogs cave? It is simple, they are Democrats and while they need to stand up for their voters they also need the support that the party in power can deliver. Make Pelosi and Reid look stupid and you will get no plumb committees, you get no help getting re-elected which is only a year away for the House members and you get nothing from the party money coffers. They will fold and they will claim victory and they will puff out their chest while they attend the signing ceremony with the Messiah.

What happens to the Republicans when this happens? Well they will continue to lose because they don't believe in anything. They don't stand for small government they don't believe that they can win with that. They don't believe in the founders because they know the Obama generations wouldn't know Thomas Paine from Elvis Presley. It simply isn't important to them. They will try to be Obama light and they will have another embarrassing crushing defeat in 2010.

And what about those of us who pay the bills? We will continue to do so. Some will just stop paying attention because they will feel like no one is listening. Some will get more radical. Some will follow third parties and some will follow populist charlatans. At some point the House and Senate will change hands, but it will be because the people are tired of the Democrats not because they are aching for the Republicans.

I hope with all my heart I am wrong, but in recent history I haven't been.

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