Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What is and What Should Never Be

Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes letting the Jeannie out of the bottle is a bad thing. Had enough euphemisms? Me too!!

Certain events change things forever. I'm not talking about 9/11/2001, but that does qualify. In politics Watergate changed everything. Political corruption was not born in the Nixon White House, but the Watergate scandal gave it a face. Today every scandal has -gate attached to it. Another ill of that era is that it gave every Journalism student the idea that their job was to bring down a 'baddy'. The biggest problem was that it left the definition of 'baddy' up to them. If they feel the baddy is President that they disagree with, so be it. Do whatever is necessary to bring him down.

The Presidential election of 2000 changed everything. Even though every independent recount showed that the result was correct, the belief on the left that it was stolen persists. Along with that is the unwritten right on the fringes of all ideologies to maintain their own facts, no matter what real facts show. That election also brought us electronic voting machines. The victim crowd told us that we could not trust hanging chads etc any longer. Now the same crowd knows for a fact that Diabold is a Republican company and has tilted the voting machines to elect Republicans.

It is known fact on the left that the White House 'outed' Valerie Plame, even though a long expensive investigation showed that her name was given by Richard Armitage a well known opponent of the war, and not even a Bush supporter, and that she could not be outed because she was not undercover.

It is a known fact on the left that Bush lied about the case for weapons even though every congressional or other investigation shows that the intelligence may have been wrong, but no one swayed it.

Since people have taken it upon themselves to pronounce things as fact they have never been, what is there really to believe. Documentaries based on half truths and clever editing create an alternative reality (yes I mean you Mr. Moore).

Be careful what you 'know'. It can be dangerous it it is built on ideology and not facts.


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