Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A thumbs up to Michael Medved

I am linking to a piece written by Michael Medved on (here). It has a similar theme as something I wrote just after the election about how Republicans can win. Now since I know my limitations very well and knowing Mr. Medved has forgotten more history than I have ever known, and can is a professional writer where I am, well not, I believe anyone who should venture to my blog should give him a read. He says it much better than I did or could.

I especially like the section on clarity. The Congressional Republicans that took the House in 1994 followed the Reagan lead and clarified their beliefs in the Contract with America. I dare anyone to in a few words explain what modern Congressional and Senatorial Republicans believe in their gut. This is also what kept the Democrats out of power for 12 years. They have addressed this at least in rhetoric in the last election. They attempted to clarify what they believe. It is now up to them to follow through. I am skeptical, but it got them the first step of the way.

My previous post titled "My Candidate for President and why he/she cannot win" I think describes this Passion I have for clarity of belief's. Michael Medved and Dennis Prager do this so well as Talk show hosts. It is time for some candidates to do the same. When will they learn, you win by doing this not lose?


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