It's time for the Left to join us in reallity
This theme is one of the most explored in conservative thought. Yet again examples come forth to explain why it is needed. The environmentalists talk about carbon offsets. This sounds a lot like the indulgences that the Catholics sold which caused Martin Luthor to write the 98 thesis.
Ok here it is as I understand it. You try to limit your carbon output, and whatever it is as long as you spend offsetting money on environmentally blessed causes you can bring down your carbon number. These are called carbon offsets. Problem is it doesn't pass the stink test. Al Gore, Barbara Streisand, and any number of other Hollywood and left wing zealots continually tell us that we must cut back. Those of us who are part of the great unwashed must sacrifice. The family that has to run kids all over the city must get a smaller car. The businessman that must fly all over to conduct business must not. The salesman who needs an SUV to stock his traveling office, well wouldn't a Honda Civic work better?
I would love to use the offsets in other areas. I am obese. If I invest in some health friendly companies, will that offset the ice cream I had last night? Probably not. If I don't cut down the intake in sugar, fats and trans fats, in the real world my diabetes and maybe other things will be worse. This will happen no matter how many fat friendly things I invest in. Likewise if a company turns in bad profit numbers, their stock in going to get hammered in the stock market. Until they show improvement, intentions don't matter.
The question I have is do we have a global warming crisis or not? Certainly different scientists believe different things. That is not the important fact. Mr. Gore and his ilk believe with every fiber of their being that we do have a crisis. If that is true shouldn't they be willing to make the same sacrifices they want us to? These politicians and celebrities can have as many big cars and big houses as they like and can afford. Just don't tell the rest of us we can't.
What this illustrates more than anything else is the overriding philosophy of the left. Good intentions trump good actions, as long as those intentions are theirs. Seems a bit childish to me.
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