Clarity: The difference Between Left and Right
The recently completed debates provide much clarity between the two parties. I will say I didn't see either one so I am not commenting on content. The Republicans allowed their debate to be moderated by Chris Mathews. There are very few national hosts more hostile to Republicans and Conservatives than Mr. Mathews. Contrast that with the Democrats who have flatly refused to debate on Fox News. In my humble opinion, while Fox does lean right, no where near as far as CNN, MSNBC etc lean left. That aside the Republicans are not afraid to debate in a venue that may not be hospitable to them.
Point two: The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will talk to the leader of Syria, one of the major sponsors of terror in the world, but will not attend a briefing by our commanding General in Iraq.
Major Universities using speech codes cut off all debate that is not up to their ideological standards. Criticizing a minority group whether racial, gender, national origin or sexual preference is simply not permitted. Daily accounts of this is possible by columnists on While Townhall is certainly not an impartial observer the cases are well documented.
The left today simply will not allow disagreement. Opponents of the Al Gore version of Global Warming are not simply criticized, they are destroyed. Numerous examples of scientists have lost funding and lost their jobs simply for not parroting the accepted line. Critics are called equivalent to holocaust deniers. It is incredible.
Some members of the right are more open to debate than others, but I can think of no prominent leaders on the right who simply will not allow disagreement. Certainly no examples similar to Pelosi, Gore et al. This blog is focused on the need to honest open disagreement to make our society better.
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