Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why the different standards?

We seem to have different standards about evaluating problems. We have a major problem with ARORN and vote registration fraud. Thousands of registrations are being received from fictitious people, dead people (a long tradition in the land of Obama) and double registrations. nearly all of them produced by ACORN. The liberal democrats assure there is no organized attempt to defraud, just a few misguided people.

Now lets look at the Sub Prime loan cum liquidity mess. We are told by the liberals and the media (is there a difference?) that capitalism has failed and must be regulated. Lets do some comparison shall we? In the voter registration fraud actual crimes are committed. These people are breaking laws. Will ARORN suffer any consequences? Not bloody likely. In the banking crisis in most cases no crimes were committed. Bad judgment was committed all over the place but in most cases no laws were broken.

In the banking crisis the Congress put into place laws that allowed people to take nearly unlimited risk with the assurance that all would be backed by the government. Since government intervened to try to alleviate risk and therefore pervert capitalism how exactly has capitalism failed? It sounds to me like government has failed. So in effect we are going fix a problem with the same medicine that made the patient sick.

Now taking the two scenarios together it sounds to me like crimes on the left are to always be excused, but bad judgement, not even on the right because to assume that all bankers and borrowers are on the right is absurd, but these things are to be blamed on capitalism. Pretty scary to me!! Wake up and smell the socialism, oops I forgot that is now code word for Black. Wake up and smell the statism.


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