Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ways to identify the unhinged

It may just be my personal bias, but any opinion piece, or blog, or book that contains the phrase "They stole out country", or "They hijacked our Country" or "Lets fight to regain our Country", usually is written or spoken by someone who is more interested in celebrating victimhood, then serious political debate.

Unfortunately, or fortunately as your point of view may be, this is not unique to any ideological persuasion. I like to go to the front page of blogspot, and see the recently update blogs scroll by. I am amused how many of them are simply forums for ranting and feeling sorry for themselves. Don't misunderstand, they have as much right to rant as I do, but why the unhappiness?

A common theme is Bush is an idiot/bush stole the election/Bush is evil/Bush stole our country. Is your life so ruled by who is President? I can tell you I did not agree much with Pres. Bill Clinton. The difference is, my life was not consumed by it. I did enjoy debating and discussion with friends and co-workers why I disagreed, but I never felt like he stole my country. Many people on the right did. I didn't understand that sentiment either. The phrase "America held Hostage was never my belief. Elections are important things. Simply degrading the party you disagree with makes them seem petty and small.

One of my least favorite people with a talk show is Michael Savage. This is a man who seems to be intelligent, but uses his show as a three hour rant against people he dislikes. He seems to be a one-note samba about immigration. As I see it though, immigration is a complex problem, that is out of control because politicians of both parties have ignored it for decades. Simply ranting to send them all back is not workable, nor productive. If I had the answer I would be a rich man. I would however like to hear more intelligent conversation on the topic.

Another of my least favorite themes is non-religious people and atheists who can tell you will all sincerity and certainty, that all "born again Christians" are ruining the world, and they are doing it because they believe it will facilitate the return of Jesus. I cannot speak for all Christians, but I do speak for myself and know from others that many agree with me on the view that:
A. Jesus will come when he does, and is determined by God and has nothing to do with who is President of our country.
B. Christians have just as much right to attempt to elect people who agree with us as Atheists. The fact that Thomas Jefferson once used the phrase Wall of separation between Church and State does not take the right to peaceably assemble from Christians and Conservative Jews. (Funny how liberal Jews and Christians tend to be no risk to the republic at all).
C. No mainstream Christians are at this time lobbying for a Christian Theocracy, but it gets repeated constantly by the secular left that this is what we secretly want.
D. Secular folks like to talk about those fundamentalist Christians, but when confronted about specifics, can never put their finger on specific mainstream Christian figures with any kind of influence that espouse the views that they are warning against.

For today, I will attempt to be a better person. Hopefully if we all do this, it will make our country, our families, and our jobs just a little better, and then we won't have to "Take back our country".


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