Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Two Messages

The election came out pretty much like many believed. The House goes to the Democrats and the Senate is too close to call at this point, but both races involved are being lead by Democrats.

I believe the people of America sent Congress a message that they are not happy with politicians who will not lead. Ultimately it is very rare that Congress and Senate will lead no matter which party they belong to. They don't want lobbyist scandals, they don't want email and IM scandals. Shut up and legislate. Personally I think who wins elections is important. I don't think it is as crucial as a lot of people do. America is made up of people, who go about their everyday life no matter who sits in the Speaker chair. Make no mistake the Democrats will attempt to put their stamp on our laws, but the people of the country make it go.

I believe the legislators heard a very different message. Time will tell but I think the Democrats believe they heard a mandate for big government. I am just a lone voice on a sparsely read blog, but I desperately hope this is not the message that was sent. I was a little disturbed by some state issues in my state of Ohio. There was a public smoking ban, and a minimum wage amendment narrowly lost. These are big government initiatives.

The sun came up today. Our lives are still up to us to live. We make our future. Economies go up and down, but we make our future. The policies government makes matter as they can make our lives easier or more difficult, but it is still up to us. I hate to tell Democrats this as I'm sure the Republicans found out twelve years ago, your presence in Washington does not make the sun come up and go down. Our prosperity for the largest degree is determined by us, the citizens. The Congress, the Senate and the White House all work for us. If we are lucky last night will reinforce that, if not there is another election on two years.

Oh by the way, the President still has the veto pen. Lets hope he uses it more than he has in the last six years. I think it can be argued if he had used it more he would still have a majority.


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