Wednesday, March 14, 2007

When did Conservatives become the Whiners?

I am a proud conservative. Count me in the supply side, pro life, strong defense conservatives. I became one by reading and following Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp and Newt Gingrich. The height of the conservative revolution of the nineties was a great time to be a conservative.

What made these times special is that ideas were the reason. Lately I have seen a disturbing trend. I see good conservative people who helped build this movement, becoming girly men (and women) to paraphrase the Govenator. It pains me to criticize the people I do in this piece because they have taught me some much through their work.

Re-visiting the Ann Coulter comments of last week. John Edwards gives us so many reasons to dislike him. He practices hypocrisy, he talks down to ordinary people and he lies about conservatives on a daily basis. Why then would Ann choose the attack of a twelve year old? It is a mystery to me. She is so talented, why use it in this way?

Rush Limbaugh, a former hero of mine. I don't dislike him, but don't listen on a regular basis anymore. When he re-invented talk radio ideas were the mainstay of his show. I don't listen on a regular basis anymore so I cannot speak to every hour of the show, but Monday I turned it on for a few minutes. What I heard was speculation of democrat motives behind the Fox news pullout by the Dems. This sounds more like conspiracy talk in reverse than what I looked forward to every day from Rush in the nineties. I remember when he would spend an entire show explaining base line budgeting. He spent another show talking to downsized people in a recession and hearing their stories of how their ingenuity created new business opportunities. These days when I do listen, I don't hear that kind of optimism.

On a daily basis someone somewhere is whining about immigration, or Iraq, or some other issue. These are all important issues, but must be discussed in an attempt to educate people. This must be done cheerfully and optimistically. To do it in a crass overtly political way is simply not productive.

This is not critical of partisanship. Partisanship is good, if done right. I would recommend the model of talk show host Michael Medved. He is as bright and articulate as anyone, takes debate daily, and does it in an informed, and patient way. Hugh Hewitt is another example. Never backs away from a debate, but does it in a way that teaches. Let's not live in never never land, we are never going to convert the Air America crowd, but given the right tone, we can create a new generation of conservatives. Before I read An American Renaissance for the 80's by Jack Kemp I was not at all political. There are thousands of young people just like me today. I would rather they be taught by the Medveds of the world, than be turned off by Ann Coulter.


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