Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Two Messages Part II

The next step of the process will be interesting. The Republican party now has to figure out how to adjust their message to win back the hearts of the American people. Lets hope it doesn't take forty years like it did the last time they lost the House. What I believe they need to do is what Newt Gingrich did. Simply talk! Tell people why limited government is best. Tell people why the minimum wage is a killer for small business. Tell people why higher taxes means less revenue to the government. Tell people why extended entitlements hurt the very people they are trying to help.

Democrats have a task also. They promised everything to everyone. Now starting in January, the moonbats are going to want payoffs. Cindy Sheehan and company are going to want something in return for staying quiet. Their money base wants immediate pullout. Will they payoff their party and cut off funding for Iraq? The American people will not stand for that. Will they try to impeach President Bush? Anything short will cause many of them to cause trouble (read not give money to the beloved Hillary).

The Democrats also talked about fixing the budget woes. How are they going to pay off all the programs they promised and still balance the budget. The told us they were able to do that. These are the original pork purveyors. Interesting to see. Clinton did it by slashing the military. Can't exactly do that while we are at war.

They also need a new vocabulary. In the last year I didn't hear a single Democrat that could complete a sentence without going into a diatribe about Bush and the Republicans in Congress. Now they have to actually learn a new language, plans about how to fix the problems that exist in our world. Change was promised, I suspect that what we will get is rehashed rhetoric from 1959.

This leads me to one of my overriding beliefs. You can be in synch with a party, you can disagree with the other party, but if you are waiting for either major political party to be virtuous, look again, they are politicians. People can be virtuous, but parties cannot. I believe they can try, but ultimately they need to get a majority in the two chambers. To do that they need to promise everyone everything. That means payoffs either in Pork, or Legislation. Both bring lobbyists, and all too often bribery.


Blogger GipperBlog said...

Seems to me you actually need a reason for impeachment. Clinton commited a felony. We can agree or disagree on whether that constituted grounds. Bush has done none of that. Disagreement is not grounds for impeachment.

7:41 AM  

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