Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Fox News flap illustrates the difference in the Parties

We conservatives have complained about bias for decades. It also was true. In some circles it still is. Media has evened out a lot through Fox News and talk radio as a whole.

The reason that this has occurred is because conservatives have long gone to what can only be described as hostile media and made their case. At times their appearances could only be called an ambush. I remember in the eigthty's Ronald Reagan Jr. had a late night talk show. Rush Limbaugh went on with seven fire breathing liberals. That was an ambush. On that show he made good points.

Before cable news debate TV was usually stacked in liberals favor. If Republicans and especially conservatives refused to appear on liberal slanted networks, they would have never been anywhere. CNN, ABC, CBS. Not a right leaning network in the bunch, but I never remember any conservative boycotting them. ABC has George Stephanopolis (Clinton's chief liar er. I mean Communication Director) as a commentator for goodness sakes.

Conservatism is and was (see my last post as my concern over present day activities) an ideology of ideas. For Liberals to refuse to appear on Fox which they see as slanted, is a bad move on their part. I say let them continue to act this way, it will hurt them in the end. It is a mistake because they need to reach the whole country. A large part of that population watches Fox. For them to say we don't need that group is short sighted and foolish.

If only the Republican Party had a clue the Democrats could be buried to the ash heap of history. Time will tell if that will happen.

Split media is not a new phenomena. Before TV, every major city had new newspapers at least. One right leaning and one left. Through the years when TV became a dominant source for news, second papers went away. Only the largest cities now have more than one paper. That is to a large degree why media bias became a problem before talk radio. TV News took a left leaning approach. Most of the newspapers that survived had a left leaning approach. There were very few outlets for right leaning perspective. The market prevailed. Talk radio and Fox News filled a needed niche in the marketplace.

Libs can either adapt to the marketplace, or take their ball and go home. I hope they adapt. Lack of competition is bad for any market, ideas, computers or soy beans.


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