Monday, March 26, 2007

Why do Atheists tend to Despise People of Faith?

I must admit I have always been confused by this. Certainly if you believe there is no God you might look at people of faith as mislead, or wrong. Why, though the outright dismissal and sometimes rage?

It boggles the mind. To get a hypothesis, I think we must analyze the segments of the population that show this reaction. It is my observation that atheists that are not political do not have the same reaction. They may show dismay, or confusion, but not the outright hatred. After all if there is no God what does it bother them if a bunch of people believe there is. What does it hurt if an adult believes in Santa, and to an atheist they are roughly equivalent.

Now on to the political. I think here it comes down to power. Since so many Americans profess belief in God, whether it be in the theology of Christianity, Judaism, or Islam, this seriously cuts down on the shear numbers of people available to them as a voting bloc. A large percentage of people of faith simply will not vote for an atheist. This cuts down on the availability of power to the Godless.

Now the next question. Is it possible to be Godless? This question has been asked by many people. I personally don't believe it is. I believe humans are made to honor something or someone with Godlike reverence. Atheists also are religious. They may not even honor the same thing, but I do believe they worship. Some are attracted to power. Some are attracted to science (of their own definition, but that is another essay). Some are just attracted to success.

Just like an observant Christian or Jew they will do whatever they need to to honor the or Deity. They may not even call it their God because the 'G' word is just abhorant to them. Many well know leaders of the far left fit here. Many of them are college professors. This of course is scary. Too often their 'theology' slips into their teaching. Young impressionable men and women are lead toward this belief. Only if they have a solid foundation in values of right and wrong (I did not say faith or religion, I said right and wrong) can they withstand this onslaught. The sacraments of this type of faith can be diversity, individual rights (as in the right to choose), and 'science' again as they define it.

These very same people will call for the ouster of a religious man or woman if they let theology slip into education. They argue that religion has no place in education. They argue that separation of church and state forbids it. I think we must consider atheism to be a religion, not as a legal definition, that would just get too complicated in the judicial, but as a practical common sense way of looking at things.


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