The constitution Relies on Checks and Balances
The American Constitution is to my reading the most effective, governing document ever penned. This has always been true. It's beauty is in the checks and balances it employs, the Congress checks the Executive and Judicial branches and each of them likewise.
There is one check that is not being employed effectively I believe. That is the check the voting public has on the Executive and Legislative branches and the Judicial in that our representatives pick the judges at the federal level. Currently activists, you might say the extreme of both sides of the picture are absolutely convinced that the elected officials aren't listening. A small but vocal part of the left wants to impeach the President and Vice president (of course making the very liberal Speaker Pelosi President). The right stops just short of calling for armed revolt over the impending immigration bill that has not even been passed. In fairness I also am against it, but am not as rabid as many I have heard.
I will not argue about the premise that the leaders aren't listening. I think that has been true for quite a while. My question is why does this surprise any of us. In any election a vast majority of people don't bother to vote. We return nearly all of incumbants to office. Any man in the street interview shows us that far too many people are more interested in the comings and goings of Paris Hilton than they are of the future financing of Social Security, Medicare and health care. People can tell you about these celebrities but can't pick out a picture of the Vice President. People are not fulfilling their responsibility to be informed and vote accordingly. By saying this I do not call for everyone to agree with me just to make their voice known.
There are two sides to this. I believe more people need to vote. Along with this though, if you are going to vote blindly I would rather you not vote. The problem here is there are many people that are trying to just get by and all of their time goes to supporting themselves, and their families, both in time and money. Staying informed is sometimes difficult and the little news they get comes from the mainstream media which is not dependable to do much besides fill us in on Brittany Spears and her latest hair do (or lack of one).
Here is my advice, those of us who follow politics closely and passionately. Take it easy!!! It ain't life and death. Play with your kids. (This advice goes to me as much as anyone). Those who don't follow politics, pay attention a little. Both parties are in a bad way now and could use some oversight from us. Pick the creeps out and get rid of them! You don't have to know each issue inside and out, just learn a little about the major issues of our day. President Bush is often wrong. The same goes for Hillary Clintonor the other liberal leaders. That doesn't make either of them evil, just wrong. The earth hasn't fallen off its axis under President Bush and it didn't under President Clinton. You and I run the country, not them. lets make sure they work for us. Currently they don't, they work for their own self interests.
Be happy, Be Moral and Be Complete!
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