Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Is John Edwards using his Wifes Cancer for Politics?

The answer in a word or two is who knows? That being said I don't think the question is one for anyone else to answer.

I think John Edwards is one of the sickest, smarmiest, ickiest politicians I have ever observed. That being said there is no indication that he does not love his wife and family. His decision is not the decision that I believe I would make, but then again I have never had any desire to be a politician. We also cannot know what we would decide unless we are in that position.

The onset of cancer is one of the most horrible pieces of news any family can get. Their reaction is their reaction. I speak of this from some experience. My brother in law died two years ago from cancer. He was a vital, active and lively young man. He was only thirty years old when he died. I saw my wife and her mother suffer the anguish. Even though I also grieved I could not feel their pain, because he was not my brother. I could not have micro-managed their decisions and never did and never would.

Likewise with the Edwards family. No one knows if Mrs. Edwards will survive this, but my prayers do go out for her. There is enough to talk about in a presidential campaign without nitpicking a candidate's decision regarding his family.

Let's focus on the other reasons to not trust John Edwards, they are numerous and leave his wife alone to get on with her treatment.


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