Saturday, November 11, 2006

Moving Forward

The next three months will paint a picture I believe for what will happen in 2008. If the Republican leadership 'gets it', they can retake the agenda and take the White House and the congress.

I believe the message that was sent is that we don't want politics as usual. In 1994 the same message was sent. In 1994 the Republicans took control with a new message. One of hope, one of enthusiasm, one of a bright future, with the same sunny outlook that Ronald Reagan brought to the White House. When Newt Gingrich left the scene, the Republicans lost their leadership. There has been no leadership since then.

The next batch of leaders has to hit the ground running. They must talk about what the party stands for. They have to describe what they mean by smaller government, what will happen if we move toward market forces for health care, what can happen if we flatten the tax code. President Bush expended a lot of political capitol by coming out for Social Security reform. All too few Republicans joined him. This was shameful. They ran for the tall grass. All they really stood for was pork!!!

The people want energy Independence. What does that mean? To some it is drilling, to some it is alternative fuels, to some it is a combination of both. This is a huge issue. The party must have a position, and communicate it.

Immigration is a divisive issue, but it must be faced. People want border security first, but I believe if they can show where border security is being accomplised people will look at normalizing illegals already here with the right mix of penalty and deporting. I don't belive the average person wants to see every illegal rounded up in the street. They want some semblance of sanity. They want employers punished who employ them, they want criminal illegals either deported or in jail. I think the rhetoric on immigration is always more extreme than what is really needed. During the days of Teddy Roosevelt, people of San Francisco started riots because of the number of Japanese immigrants. This is always a tough issue in our country, but it must be faced up to. Compromise will not be easy, but must be discussed. They cannot keep running from tough issues.

Neither party is going to get bold new initiatives done at any time. For the last fifteen years there have not been big enough majorities to do it. This is the time for talking about issues. It may take a few years to get them done, but they must show they stand for something.

The '08 Presidential campaign really has started with the end of the mid year elections. Everyone knows who the front runners will be, Clinton on the left and McCain on the right. They may or may not get their parties' nominations. I'm sure there will be a large pack of contenders on both sides. There will be many who run and don't really have a chance to win. They can still be important. Steve Forbes filled an important role by talking about the flat tax. Even though it has not been passed into law, it told the country what fiscal conservatives believe. From there it is up to whoever can win the battle of ideas. While the Democrats have to be congratulated on winning the mid terms, there has to be a better dialog than just we want change. Give the people something to want to vote for.


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